What should I do if I have interdigital fungus on my feet?

Fungal lesions of the skin and stratum corneum are very unpleasant. But these infections are quite common: omniscient statistics suggest that one in five humans has experienced all the "charm" of familiarity with them. One pathological type is fungus between the toes, which can quickly spread to the nails without the necessary treatment. Dealing with it is not easy, but salvation is still possible. A combination of treatments will help fight the disease, but must be done patiently and effectively.

What is interdigital fungus on the feet? What does it look like?

Three types of fungi can cause finger infections: mold, yeast, and dermatophytes. Each of them has their own preferences. Microorganisms of the mold family colonize warm, moist areas of the legs, so they often appear in places where similar lesions already exist. Yeast doesn't take lightly on nails or skin. Dermatophytes are the most common culprits of fungal diseases; fungi on the thumb and pathology between the fingers are their "speciality. "Common to all species is a preference for high temperatures and high humidity.Symptoms of the fungus are quite mild in the initial stages. You may be suspicious if:
  • Sudden cracks appear on the feet and toes, most commonly starting from the little toe;
  • Loss of skin around the crack;
  • Slight itching that disappears after hygiene procedures.
When the fungus begins to multiply actively, symptoms can no longer be ignored: erythema, severe peeling, burning and itching appear. The occurrence of bubbles in transparent contents cannot be ruled out. As cracks deepen, they can turn into erosion. The inflammatory process causes tissue swelling.Signs of fungus between the toes - cracks and flaking of the skinIf this period is ignored, then the advanced stages of the fungus begin:
  • Clear blisters between the fingers become ulcers and rupture, forming wounds;
  • Itching and burning sensation intensify, and severe pain occurs;
  • The fungal disease has spread to the nails and begins to destroy them.
These symptoms can no longer be ignored. Going to the doctor becomes the only option to regain health.

Causes of interdigital mycosis

Fungus between the toes has no shortage of victims; on the contrary, the number of infections is even increasing. The reason for this sad photo is ignorance of hygiene rules. Since these pathogenic microorganisms like high humidity and heat, and their entry point is skin wounds, the risk will increase if the following factors are present:
  • Going to public places where you walk barefoot or use someone else's shoes, towel or washcloth;
  • Shoes that are too tight can cause microtrauma;
  • Excessive sweating combined with a careless attitude towards hygiene procedures;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • Varicose veins;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • Dysbiosis.

Fungal infection risk

Some people do not consider foot fungus to be a serious problem. But this view is wrong. The greatest danger is the chronic form of the disease, which causes nail damage, which in itself greatly affects quality of life. A person with fungal disease is a source of infection that can "reward" the entire family, and fungus between the toes of children or the elderly is fraught with serious health problems. If the disease is left unchecked, the body becomes affected by the toxins formed by the fungal activity. In some cases, fungal infections can cause severe allergic reactions. In the context of fungal diseases, immunity is suppressed, which is especially dangerous for children and the elderly. Therefore, a "less severe" disease will lead to the penetration of many other infections (bacterial or viral) with varying degrees of severity.

How to Treat Toe Fungus

Not everyone gets rid of fungus quickly, so it’s best to be prepared for a long battle. Treatment usually takes place at home, so first you'll need to get checked out to find out the real culprit. Once identified, a doctor (dermatologist or mycologist) will prescribe a comprehensive treatment plan.


Infections that have reached an advanced stage require oral medications. For this type of treatment, use effective antifungal tablets and capsules to help get rid of the scourge quickly.
  1. The most commonly prescribed drugs are allylamines. He was able to cure the fungus on his fingers in 3-4 weeks. The maximum daily dose is 250 mg.
  2. Triazole derivatives are the next broad spectrum drugs. Its intake is limited to two tablets per day. Two two-week courses are required to be completed, with a 21-day break in between.
  3. Triazole products are available in capsule form and are used to treat a variety of skin conditions. This medicine also helps fight fungus between the toes of the feet. There are 2 options for taking it: 50 mg once a day, or 150 mg once a week but immediately. The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks.


Oral medications must be supplemented with topical medications - creams or ointments. They are the number one answer to your question of how to get rid of toe fungus. There are many local remedies and the costs vary.Mycologist prescribes comprehensive treatment for interdigital toenail fungusAll ointments are effective if one condition is met: the feet must first be steamed in a solution of soap and soda and then dried thoroughly.
  1. Imidazole derivatives are the leader in compassion for those who decide to eliminate foot fungus at home. The reasons are efficiency and reasonable prices. The drug is applied to clean fingers and nails 2-3 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is individual and controlled by the doctor. After symptoms disappear, it is recommended to continue treatment for 2 weeks or longer.
  2. Products of the imidazole group are used twice a day and the duration of treatment is 4-6 weeks, but in advanced cases the composition needs to be applied for a few more days. Apply a compress with ointment when the fungus spreads to the nail.
  3. Allylamine creams also fall into the topical product category. The active ingredient is the substance the cream is named after. The ointment is applied 1-2 times a day; if the feet are affected, the application period is up to 4 weeks. If the nail plate has been affected by fungal disease, it is recommended to treat the feet for 3 to 6 months.
The main rules are formality of procedure and compliance with prescribed deadlines. In other cases, treatment may become ineffective.

bathing place

This folk remedy for treating fungus between the toes at home will not take much time, but will be effective if the stage of fungal disease is easily curable.
  • coffee.For this process you will need ground coffee: 10 tablespoons. Pour 2 liters of boiling water into the lake. When the "drink" has cooled, put your feet in it. Coffee foot baths can be done twice a day.
  • Sagebrush.To prepare, take a liter of boiling water and 150 g of herbs. Water bath for 30 minutes and decoct the soup. The duration of this procedure is at least half an hour.
  • Boric acid- A well-known treatment for fungus between the fingers. For bathing, take 40 g of powder and dissolve it in water (50-60 °C). There is no need to overdo this procedure; do it 2-3 times a week.
  • salt and soda.Pour warm water into a container and add 1 tbsp. Lake sodium chloride and sodium carbonate. Place your feet in the tub for at least 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Celandine.2 tbsp. Pour the herbs into a liter of boiling water, cover and wait to cool to room temperature. The duration of this process should be at least a quarter of an hour.
These programs don't always help, and they don't help everyone. This feature is not only present in folk methods. But that doesn't mean you should give up: There are many ways to cure fungus between your fingers.


This treatment is great because the medication stays on the affected area for a long time, as many medications recommend leaving it on overnight. The following folk remedies are recommended in this category:
  1. Propolis.Use alcohol tincture when applying compresses. Soak the cotton and hold it between your fingers. The procedure lasts a week and a half.
  2. Birch tar.Before applying this composition, feet are thoroughly steamed and dead skin removed. Dry feet were lubricated with tar, and the spaces between the toes were treated with special care. Keep this compression on for at least an hour and then wipe off the excess tar with a napkin. It is forbidden to wash your feet for two days. The total number of procedures is 4-5 times.
  3. garlicCrush and mix with salt. Garlic dressing should not be left out for too long. Leave the product on for 1-2 hours.
  4. ammonia.Take 1 tablespoon per glass of water. Lake then soaks a piece of gauze in the solution and wraps it around the foot. Place a bag on top and a sock on top. Approximately 8-10 procedures need to be performed.
  5. onionJust as effective as garlic. Only use juice in this case. Leave the compress on overnight. If the skin between your fingers becomes moist and you experience a strong burning sensation, mix juice and petroleum jelly in equal parts.


For success, complex treatment of interdigital fungus of the foot also includes physical therapy procedures:
  1. Ozone therapy.This procedure can significantly accelerate the growth of healthy nails when the disease is severely advanced. During this process, the plates and skin are filled with ozone and oxygen, which stimulates nail growth while destroying fungal infections. Not only fungus on the skin of the toes, but absolutely all types of fungal diseases were successfully treated.
  2. Laser Treatment.During this operation, only cells colonized by the fungus are destroyed. The course of treatment includes 4-10 surgeries. No preliminary preparation is required, but concurrent drug treatment is required.


To successfully fight finger fungus, it's important to change your diet.Certain foods from the diet must either be eliminated entirely or their consumption greatly limited. These include:
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • Candy, flour products;
  • sugary fermented dairy products;
  • candy;
  • sausage;
  • canned food;
  • bacon;
  • Meat;
  • Semi-finished product.
The following are allowed:
  • Cereals (except semolina and rice only);
  • coffee;
  • sugar-free dairy and cultured dairy products;
  • seafood;
  • vegetables, vegetables;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • boiled fish;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • Tea;
  • Egg.

How to prevent disease recurrence

In order for toe fungus to disappear forever, you must adhere to the following rules:
  1. Wear shoes that fit your feet to avoid injuring your toes. It is better to give priority to natural materials. Frequent disinfection of shoes is necessary.
  2. Precautions need to be taken with feet after being in public places: wash and lubricate them with lemon juice, paying special attention to your toes.
  3. Changing socks every day is a must. It is best to choose cotton products.
  4. Exchanging shoes and linens, or using someone else's towels and pedicure supplies is prohibited.
  5. Strengthening your immune system is a priority, so your diet should always include fruits, juices, and vegetables.
To care for your skin and toenails, it is recommended to have a pedicure every half month.